Shell Pasta with Yogurt, Peas, and Chile

Earlier this summer, I was begifted Jerusalem written by Yotam Ottolenghi and Sami Tamimi by my friend Sheila.  The cookbook is so beautiful to look at, the pictures are stellar and the duo gives insight about traditional cuisine of the city.  The first recipe I tried of the book was this pasta dish and although my family did not seem to like the flavor combinations I thought it was delicious.  By warned, the chile flake pine nut garnish is spicy so make sure your guests like heat!



Shell Pasta with Yogurt, Peas, and Chile (makes lb)

2 1/2 cups Greek yogurt

2/3 cup olive oil

4 cloves garlic, crushed

1 lb fresh or frozen peas thawed

1 lb shell pasta

1/2 cup pine nuts

2 tsp. chile flakes

1 2/3 cup torn basil leaves

8 oz. feta cheese

salt and ground pepper

Put the yogurt, 6 tablespoons of the oil, garlic, and 2/3 cup of the peas in a food processor or blender and puree until smooth.  Pour into a large bowl.

Cook the pasta according to instructions.  With two minutes left for the pasta to cook, pour the remaining peas into the pasta water to heat.  Drain both together.

As the pasta is cooking, heat the rest of the olive oil, pine nuts, and chile flakes at medium heat for 4 minutes.

When the pasta and peas are drained SLOWLY add them to the sauce so the yogurt does not split.  Then mix in the basil, feta, 1 teaspoon of salt, and 1/2 teaspoon of pepper.  When plating spoon over pine nuts and drizzle some of the oil on top.

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Overnight Cold Oats

This is such an easy recipe and a perfect way to eat oatmeal when it is hot outside.  You simply mix all the ingredients together the night before you want to eat it and you have perfect oats the next morning!  Add some fresh fruit, honey, cinnamon, peanut butter, etc. when you serve it because the oats are a little bland on their own.  Enjoy!


Overnight Cold Oats (1 serving)

1/3 cup oats (I used steel cut)

1/3 cup Greek yogurt

1/3 cup skim milk

Mix all the ingredients together.  Place in a closed container in the fridge overnight.  When serving top with whatever you desire!